SkADaMo - Day 14 & 15
Busyness sure gets in the way of things. I'm playing a little catch-up with my sketch of the day and missed one in there. Oh well. I'm trying to stay on task. So yesterday (since my Benjamin is constantly asking "is Thanksgiving tomorrow?" because he wants to make those candy corn, hi-ho cracker, gumdrop & frosting turkeys, of which I told him that we only make on Thanksgiving) I've had Thanksgiving on my brain. So I sketched a turkey last night. Also thought he sure wouldn't be ready and willing to visit our table:

So for today, having passed by a neighbor's pumpkins basking in the warm sun, they reminded me how much I love watching pumpkins' faces morph as they begin to decay on the step. This is that pumpkin from memory (colorized in Photoshop):

Finally "Illustration Friday" chimed in with a topic today (each week there is a word and you have 7 days to come up with an idea, then post it on their blog, of which I'm determined to participate in one of these days.) The word is "tail." I gave myself 5 minutes to brainstorm, and this is what came out: